Friday, September 13, 2024

10 plants that should be in your garden

Spring is the time that hints at a quick update and bold decisions. In spring, you have a chance to experiment and plant several original plant and flower species.

With some of the plants on our list, you may be familiar, but this is not an excuse to abandon their planting. It is autumn now, which means that you still have enough time for planning your garden.

So, the top 10 “spring offers” that will fill your garden with bright colors and unique aroma.

  1. Hyacinth

A rare kind of flowers can be compared with hyacinths in beauty and abundance of colors. This perennial plant was named after one of the heroes of ancient Greek legends, which possessed extraordinary beauty. The “mythical” trace accompanies the flower to this day. It is believed that the aroma of a blossoming hyacinth causes only positive emotions, relieves stress and increases the productivity of labor. Try to find a place in the garden for this unpretentious flower. The most popular among the florists is the eastern hyacinth and its numerous varieties.

  1. Lilac

You can enjoy the unique aroma of lilac already the next year after planting. For this, it must be planted in September. You can try to plant in the spring, but in this case, the probability of growth in the first year after planting is small. There are more than 2,300 varieties of lilac in the world, so you probably will get something for your site. Most of the new varieties were obtained from the common lilac – the most common species. Any variety of this beautiful flowering plant requires a lot of sunlight, annual pruning, good drainage and fertile soil.

  1. Apple tree

It is impossible to imagine a garden without liquid apples. If you still do not grow an apple tree, it’s time to correct the situation. The most common apple tree is home (the number of varieties derived from it exceeds 10,000). It not only fructifies well, but is also used in economic needs and in the manufacture of joinery. It’s not for nothing that the apple tree is the leader among fruit trees in terms of planting area and yield in the temperate climatic zone.

  1. Gladiolus

Despite the fact that the flowers of gladiolus practically do not smell, they have an attractive appearance. The origin of the gladiolus, or cogwheel, is entangled in many beautiful legends. For example, it was considered to be the patron for gladiators (hence the name of the plant). They believed that the gladiolus brings victory and constantly wore it on the chest. Another legend says that the swords of two gladiator friends turned into gladiolus flowers, who refused to fight among themselves and were executed for this. Despite the sad story, it is believed that the gladiolus is a symbol of nobility, friendship and victory.

  1. String beans

Beans remain a very popular vegetable, the seeds of which can be planted in early spring, and ripen between mid-July and September. Being one of the most unpretentious plants, beans have almost unlimited culinary possibilities. It can be preserved, added to soups and stews, used as a side dish and in combination with other vegetables. Beans protect neighboring plants from pests, and tuber bacteria contained on its roots enrich the soil with nitrogen. String beans, unlike vegetable beans, are not as rich in protein, but they contain vitamins A, B, C, E, folic acid, iron, fiber and other useful elements. In a word, you will definitely enjoy beans in your garden.

  1. Eggplant

On the beneficial properties of this berry … No, we were not mistaken, eggplant is not a vegetable, but rather large in comparison with the rest of the berries. So, it’s hard to find a fruit more useful to a man than an eggplant. It contains almost all the useful elements of the periodic table. Wise Eastern people call eggplant “the fruit of longevity”, and it can be cooked and eaten in almost any form. It also serves as a universal natural healer. Sometimes eggplant is used to prepare a toning facial mask, which only confirms the versatility of its “talents”.

  1. Dahlia

Let’s get back to the flowers. Dahlia remains the plant, which is the most unpretentious in growing, but very beautiful. This flower, perhaps, is one of the main victims of the changeable garden “fashion”. Once, this plant was considered a privilege of aristocrats and was grown in royal gardens. Later, it was fell into the category of weeds and declared a synonym for vulgarity. If you like this plant, and you do not support blind following the fashion, then do not forget to plant a few dahlias in your garden. In the middle belt, flowers of this species are planted at the very beginning of summer to avoid unexpected weather vagaries. The most common varieties are united by the common name of the dahlia variable.

  1. Geranium

Once, Pelargonium (scientifically term for geranium) was a permanent inhabitant of city apartments. Subsequently, it was declared a “relic of the past” and it had to leave our homes for a short time. However, it did not last long, as the geranium has a lot of useful properties and mystical qualities. It is able to heal wounds and prevent them from getting an infection, scare off harmful insects, relieve headaches and improve sleep. In addition, ancient people believed that the petals of pelargonium can attract the attention of a loved one. In general, in most of the world’s peoples, geraniums symbolize cheerfulness of the spirit, health and strength.

  1. Coriander

This Mediterranean guest is an infrequent inhabitant of our sites. We have more common coriander (coriander seed) – an annual spicy plant, widespread in the eastern cuisine. The scent of cilantro is not pleasant to everyone, while the aroma of fruits and leaves is different. Green coriander is rich in vitamins A, B, C, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Why do we grow coriander? The plant is frost-resistant, ripens quickly. It needs a fertile, loose and moist soil with a low level of acidity. Therefore, it is better to start sowing in the spring, when there is enough moisture in the soil.

  1. The Laurel

Another “universal” of the world of plants, a symbol of glory and victories. The fragrant leaves of the laurel are familiar to us from childhood. In addition, it is an excellent remedy that has sedatives, diuretics and other properties. Actually, before it was used exclusively for the aromatization of water, until some daredevil decided to taste the laurel. Only a few centuries later were discovered numerous useful qualities of laurel leaves. By the way, laurel leaves are not advised to store for more than a year – they acquire bitterness, and the healing properties are reduced.

We hope that this list of cultures will help you organize a dream garden in which there will be only the most beautiful, useful and unpretentious plants that can please you owners for a long time.

About the author: Melisa Marzett is a talented and clever writer with an exquisite taste. Check for her posts at and be sure that this woman can show you the beauty of writing.

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