Tuesday, September 10, 2024


SRP Annual General Assembly 2023: Nominations, Symposium, and Key Updates

Introduction:Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) is thrilled to announce the 4th Annual General Assembly in 2023, a pivotal event that brings together SRP members for essential discussions and decisions. This...

Rice Production Systems in Pakistan: An Overview

Abstract:Rice is a staple crop in Pakistan, contributing significantly to the country's economy and food security. This article provides a comprehensive overview of rice...

Understanding the Importance of Fertilizers at the Rice Nursery Stage

Title: Understanding the Importance of Fertilizers at the Rice Nursery Stage Introduction: Rice is one of the most essential food crops globally, providing sustenance to a...

Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) in Pakistan: Revolutionizing Rice Production Towards Sustainability

Rice is a staple food in Pakistan, with the agriculture sector heavily reliant on its production. However, conventional rice farming practices often contribute to...

Major Issues During Rice Nursery Cultivation

Rice nursery cultivation is a critical stage in the rice production cycle, as it sets the foundation for healthy seedling development. However, several challenges...

Best Methods for Rice Nursery Germination

Rice is a staple food for a significant portion of the world's population, and its cultivation begins with the successful germination of rice seeds...

Rice Varieties in Pakistan: Exploring the Richness of Flavors and Aromas

Introduction: Rice holds a special place in the hearts and plates of people around the world, and Pakistan is no exception. With its diverse...

How to cultivate rice crop in Pakistan

Season: The weather is bad for cotton. It usually leads to better paddy production. Therefore, from early June to September, suitable rainfall and air humidity...

Azolla Benefits, Uses, Role, Importance in Rice Production

Azolla Benefits for Paddy Cultivation: We know Azolla is a smart feed for livestock reminiscent of poultry, pigs, dairy, fish, goat, and sheep. However, lately,...

Growing Rice (Paddy) in a Container

Lets have a look at how to grow Paddy in your Garden and also hand mill Paddy get Rice. You can start your rice...

How grow rice

This video briefly guide the how grow rice from seeds to harvesting in a easy way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVnAKtxKLM0
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