2. Pink bollworm: Pectinophora gossypiella | |
Symptoms of damage
Identification of the pest
ETL: 10% infested fruiting parts
Spraying any one of the following insecticides:
3. Spotted bollworms: Earias vittella, Spiny bollworm: Earias insulana | ||||||||
Identification of the pest: E. vitella
Identification of the pest: E. insulana
ETL: 10% infested shoots / squares / bolls
Biological control:
4. Cotton Stem Weevil: Pempheres (Pempherulus) affinis | ||||||
Symptoms of damage
Identification of the pest
Spray any one of the following insecticides
5. Shoot weevil: Alcidodes affaber |
Symptoms of damage
Identification of the pest
6. Stem borer: Sphennoptera gossypii | ||||||
7. Leaf roller: Sylepta derogata | ||||||
Symptom of damage
Identification of the pest
8. Tobacco Cutworm: Spodoptera litura | |||
Identification of the pest
ETL: 8 egg masses/100 m row
9. Ash weevils: Mylloecerus undecimpustulatus maculosus |
M. subfasciatus M. viridanus M. discolor Symptom of damage
10. Leafhopper: Amrasca (Biguttula biguttula) devastans | ||
ETL: 50 nymphs or adults/50 leaves
Spray any one of the following insecticides
11. Cotton aphid: Aphis gossypii | |
Symptom of damage
Identification of the pest
ETL: 15% of infested plant Spray any one of the following insecticides (500 l spray fluid/ha)
12. Thrips: Thrips tabaci | |
Symptom of damage
ETL: 50 nymphs or adults/50 leaves
Spray any one of the following insecticides (500 l spray fluid/ha)
13. Whitefly: Bemisia tabaci | |||||||
Symptom of damage
ETL: 5 – 10 /leaf
Spray any one of the following plant products alone or in combination with the recommended dose of insecticide (at 2 ml/l of water)
Spray any one of the following in early stage (500 l of spray fluid/ha)
Spray any one of the following in mid and late stages (1000 l spray liquid/ha) Triazophos 40 EC 2.0 l/ha
14. Red cotton bug: Dysdercus cingulatusi | ||
15. Dusky cotton bug: Oxycarenus hyalinipennis | ||
Identification of the pest
16. Mealy bugs: Phenacoccus sp, Ferrisa sp and Maconellicoccus sp | ||||||