Thursday, September 12, 2024


Pink Bollworm: Biology And Host Preference in Laboratory

Scientific Name: Pectinophora gossypiella Saunders Family: Gelechiidae Order:Lepidoptera Stages of Pink Bollworm Pink bollworm has 4 stages that is egg, larvae, pupa and adult. Egg: Eggs are elongating and oval having 0.1mm length and 0.5mm...

Homemade Organic Pesticide for Vegetables

Homemade Organic Pesticide for Vegetables Growing greens supplies contemporary produce for you and your family whilst providing you with complete control over what's used within...

Major pests of Cotton

Major pests of Cotton   1.Fruit borer:  Helicoverpa armigera Symptoms of damage Bolls showing regular, circular bore holes Larvae seen feeding on the boll by thrusting their...

Organic management of pest insects in stored wheat

FOOD safety has always been the most strategic purpose of the countries, worldwide. Food security is a complementary module due to losses persevered by...

Plant Defended Mechanism towards Pathogen

Plants, also called green plants are multicellular , autotrophic eukaryotes of the kingdom plantae. Major plant pathogen Bacteria Virus Fungi Nematodes When pathogen attack on plants the genes of pathogen are activated...

Wheat | Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation

Wheat, is the name given to several plants in the genus Triticum including Triticum aestivum, Triticum compactum, Triticum spelta and Triticum durum, which are annual or biennial grasses grown primarily for...

Common Pests and Disease

Pests and Disease Aphids: These are small brown colored insects. They suck the sap from the leaves and branches and cause great damage to trees and...

20 Common Tomato Plant Problems and How to Fix Them

If you’re one of the three million people who planted a home garden this year, you’re most likely growing tomatoes. Nine out of 10...
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