Thursday, September 12, 2024


Inefficient fertiliser use damaging soil fertility in Punjab

THE unsustainable management practices in Punjab have damaged soil fertility and health, leading to promotion of chemical fertilisers which too is inefficient to the...

Organic matter status of Pakistan soils and its management

Soil organic matter affects so many soil properties and processes that a complete discussion of the topic is beyond the scope. Often one effect...

There’s No Place Like Loam: Preparing Your Soil for Planting

Some gardeners are downright contentious about the word soil, insisting that it’s not the same thing as dirt. Soil, they insist, is the stuff...

Management of Organic Soils

Introduction Organic soils, commonly called peat or muck, have developed from plant residues and been preserved by a high water table. Many generations of plants,...

Why Soil Matters in gardening

Growing healthy plants starts with building healthy soil. Although it may look inert (except for the occasional earthworm), garden soil is teeming with life....

Top 5 tech innovations in agriculture

There are an estimated 570 million farms in the world and, in a neat twist of number synergy, according to Valoral Advisors, funding rounds...

Principle of Crop Rotation

Crop rotation done according to the principle of crop rotation it can help full in maintain the soil fertility. Crop Rotation It is defined as the growing of crops...

Compost and soil health

Asad Manzoor* Everyone knows strong building essentials a strong and good foundation, similar ways healthy plants require a strong and healthy soil that can provide...
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