Tuesday, September 10, 2024

U-Bar Dig

1. After harvest, if necessary, weed the entire slightly raised bed.
2. When the soil is lightly moist, begin U-barring the soil along the length of the bed. No digging board is used. The soil will be loosened 3⁄4 as deep as in the double-dig.
3. Continue U-barring until the bed is done. Two or three U-bar passes along the length of the bed may be necessary epending on the bed’s width. The U-bar is about 2 feet wide and loosens the soil 2 to 2 1⁄2 feet wide. U-Bar Dig: agrinfobank.com
4. Break up any remaining large clumps with a spading fork. Shape the bed by raking it. Then evenly spread compost and any needed fertilizers over the entire area, and sift them in 2 to 4 inches deep with a spading fork.

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